Academic Dismissal Petition Process

What is the process to Petition at Northwest Vista College?

Students petitioning to return from Academic Dismissal need to complete the following:

Students must plan on attending Northwest Vista College. Petitions are only reviewed if you will be enrolling as a Northwest Vista student. Students wishing to petition at a different Alamo College must submit the petition to that institution.

  • Students must have an active application for the semester you are submitting a petition.

    Students who have not been enrolled at an Alamo College within twelve (12) months of their petitioning semester are required to complete the Admissions process. This step must be completed first in order to proceed with the remaining petition process steps. You may view information on how to complete the Admissions process online by clicking on the Application and Enrollment Steps for Transfer and Former Students

    • Students must not have any registration holds on their record other than the Academic Dismissal hold or Title IX hold. 
    • PLEASE NOTE: If you are under the age of 22, state law now requires you to provide proof of Bacterial Meningitis Vaccination. For more information visit Bacterial Meningitis

    The Fall 2025 application for admission must be submitted if you have not been enrolled at NVC or another Alamo College since Summer 2024 or before. The last day to submit an application for each part of term is listed below:

    Deadlines 16-Week Part of Term 14-Week Part of Term 8-Week Flex II Part of Term
    Fall 2025 August 15th, 2025 August 29th, 2025 October 10th, 2025
    Spring 2026 December 29th, 2025 January 19th, 2025 March 9th, 2025

    At this time, applications must be completed for the semester you wish to complete the petition process. If you completed the application process for a prior semester and did not enroll in courses, a new application is needed. 

  • Complete the Academic Dismissal Petition Information Form

    At this time, we are no longer accepting petitions for academic dismissal for the spring 2025 semester. The Fall 2025 form will be available beginning April 1st, 2025.  

     The form is important as it will ask you the following information which will be utilized to give you the best possible experience with our dismissal process:

    • Information required to add you to the PASS Canvas Course
    • Contact Information 
    • Personal preferences                                                          

    The form will be submitted online, and you will receive an invitation to access the course via your ACES email within 5-7 business days of submission. No additional emails will be sent to your personal email unless there was an issue regarding being added to the course. Emails will be the primary method of communication and all notifications will be sent to your ACES student email. It is expected that you will check your student ACEs email regularly in order to ensure the process may proceed without delay.   

    Forms will be accepted per each part of term as listed below:

    • 16-week: September 24th-January 8th

    You are highly encouraged to complete this step as soon as possible, as due to high volumes, late submission may delay your ability to be added to the canvas course. Please do not submit more than one form- if you submitted for a different part of term, and did not complete the process at that time, you will automatically be considered for the next part of term. If you submitted a form for the Fall 2024 semester, and plan to enroll for spring 2025 instead, you will not need to submit an updated form to begin the process for spring 2025.

  • Complete the P.A.S.S. Canvas Course

    Students who have submitted the Academic Dismissal Petition Information form online by the deadline will have it reviewed by the Academic Standards team to ensure the admissions steps have been completed and you are ready to be added to the Pathway for Student Success (PASS) Canvas course. This course is utilized to help prepare you for 1) completing the remainder of the dismissal petition process, 2) familiarize you with the tools that you will be utilizing as a student of NVC (such as Canvas, ACEs, and GPS), and 3) help you complete the process in a quick and efficient manner. You will not be eligible to proceed to this step without an active application for the petitioning semester, and/ or if you have any registration holds. Once you have been added to the course, you will receive an invitation to join the course via your ACEs email. Because this course is directly tied to your student profile, you cannot be added to the course with a personal email. You are added to the course within 4-5 business days of submitting your form. When you accept the invitation sent via your ACES student email, you will be able to:

    • See a video overview of the PASS course
    • Review Petition Packet Requirements
    • Learn about what to expect during the Dismissal Interview
    • Learn how to schedule a Dismissal Interview
    • Learn more about what will be expected of you as the student if your petition is approved
    • Learn more about available resources to help you be successful
    • Review the Transfer-Returning Student Orientation to Northwest Vista College

    Upon completion of the 1st 4 canvas modules, you will be able to access and submit your petition packet documents via the canvas course in module 5. If you would like step by step directions, please click on Accepting the Invitation to the PASS Canvas Course document. 

    What technology will I need in order to complete this course?

    The course can be completed using any device (laptop, tablet, mobile phone); however, the best way to view the course and complete the documents needed is by using a computer. While phones these days are like mini-computers, they are still limited in their ability to show you all the information clearly, enable you to view pages and complete submissions simultaneously, and view feedback provided by the AST team. If you do not own a personal computer, you may utilize a computer on campus by visiting our open computer lab.

    Students will need to complete the Canvas PASS course by the dates listed below:

    Part of Term Course Begins Last Day to be Added Last Day to Complete
    16-week October 7th January 10th January 14th
    Start II 14-Week October 7th January 28th January 29th
    Flex II 8-week October 7th March 17th March 19th

    Students who do not complete all parts by the indicated deadline will need to begin the process for the fall 2025 semester.

    Only students with completed applications for admission, no registration holds and who submitted Petition Information Forms will be added to the Canvas course.

  • Submit the Dismissal Petition Packet

    Petition packets are only accessible and submitted through the P.A.S.S. Canvas course upon completion of all the modules. You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to access and complete the forms. A free version of Adobe is available here for both computer and mobile devices, and is provided in module 1 of the P.A.S.S. course. When you are submitting be sure that your documents:

    • Are completed in full- incomplete documents will not be considered eligible to move forward to the Dismissal Interview, will have edits requested and may delay your ability to complete the process.
    • Are filled in as directed- Time Matters Activity is a PDF document provided that must have all time slots filled in and typed using the Adobe Acrobat Reader (pictures or edits to the document are not accepted)
    • Are submitted in the format provided- Reflection Statement, Dismissal Petition Waiver, and Time Matters Activity are typed
    • Handwritten documents are not preferred to ensure that the information is legible, No pictures of the documents, or any format other than Word (Reflection Statement) and PDF (Waiver form and Time Matter Activity) are accepted.
    • Transfer Students (Non-Alamo)- must ensure that your prior college transcript has been received by our Records office.
    • Please check your ACES student email frequently for updates regarding your petition status.
    • For more information on the Petition Packet, please review the Academic Dismissal Petition Packet Requirements page

    Note: Submission of incomplete packets will delay the petition process, as you will not be able to be scheduled for a Dismissal Interview until a completed packet has been resubmitted. Depending on the volume of packets received, it may take 1-2 business weeks for review. In order to ensure you are able to complete the petition process by the deadline, it is recommended that you begin the process early, and complete each step as soon as possible. Feeback regarding missing or incorrect submissions are provided as a comment through the Canvas course.

    Students who were added to the PASS Canvas course by the deadline have until the last day to complete all portions of the packet as directed for each part of term listed below:

    • 16-week: January 14th
    • 14-week: January 29th
    • 8-week: March 19th

    Students who do not complete all parts by the indicated deadline, 11:59 pm will need to begin the process for the fall 2025 semester.

  • Attend the Dismissal Interview

    If all portions of the PASS course were completed as directed, you will receive information and a link to schedule your interview via your ACES email. Dismissal Interviews will begin October 8th, and will conclude Friday, March 21st, 2025. Some things to consider:

    • Interviews are scheduled in order of packet document completion- on a first-come, first-served basis.
    • In order to ensure you are guaranteed an opportunity to interview with an advisor, you must complete all portions of the Dismissal process by the priority deadline.
    • Missed interviews without prior notification will result in an automatic denial of your petition for the semester. If you must change your scheduled appointment date, please notify the Academic Standards team at as soon as possible. 
    • Upon completion of the canvas course and submission of all documents as directed, your submissions will be reviewed for completion and accuracy of the documents. Once determined complete, you will be added to the interview campaign and a link to schedule your interview is sent to you via ACEs. It is important that you be checking your email regularly and schedule your session as soon as possible. Interviews must be scheduled a minimum of 24 hours in advance, therefore once all interview spots are filled, we cannot proceed with your petition. 

    Dismissal Interviews for the different parts of term will began and conclude based on the dates below: 

    Part of Term Interviews Begin Last day to Schedule an Interview

    Last Day to Interview

    16-week October 8th January 15th

    January 17th

    Start II 14-week October 8th January 29th

    January 31st

    Flex II 8-week October 8th March 19th

    March 21st

    Students who do not complete all parts by the indicated deadline will need to begin the process for the fall 2025 semester.